Thursday, January 14, 2010


Tonight I'm beginning a series with the Uprising Girls (college student bible study and community) on Engaging Culture. This month we will discuss the definition of culture and whether Christ-followers should fight or engage it.

Week one, we're starting with the thought of God being missional in nature. The "Missional Church" has become a buzz word in recent months and I think it's an intriguing thought. A lot of contemporary theologians are challenging us to view mission not as an act of the church (something we program) but an attribute of God that we worship and emulate. Check out Scot McKnight's blog for more: (Search "Missional Mondays" for stuff specific to this topic.)

As I digested this concept of God being missional, I thought what a better example than the incarnation of Jesus Christ coming to earth. Tonight we're looking specifically at Matthew 1. Jesus Christ referred to as "Emmanuel" or "God is with us".

God seeks. He finds.

God is with us. God is with the saint...and the sinner.

God IS mission.

What a great reason to celebrate Christmas all year round! And I will share a MOST AWESOME rendition of a MOST AWESOME carol:

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